What Pulumi Is And How You Can Use It To Code In The Cloud.

Pulumi is an infrastructure as a code tool. IAAC's approach towards managing infrastructure is the main reason you a tool is gaining popularity in the n DevOps world.


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Infrastructure as Code Explained

IAAC is all about implementing automation at its best and less possibility of having errors while managing infrastructure.
You can only imagine the situation where you need to manage hundreds of servers and it is almost impractical to manage all this manually. Hence the IAC enable DevOps engineers to manage Infra with multiple cloud providers with tools of their choice Pulumi is becoming the top choice. 

What is Pulumi? 

An open-source infrastructure that uses mostly any programming language to provision and manages cloud resources with simplicity. 

In 2017, Pulumi revolinatised the DevOps world with the features like using several programming languages to manage cloud resources. 

Terraform is also a similar tool where it has one disadvantage where it is limited to the prieproprietary language and syntax from hashicorp language only. Where with pulumi you can write configuration with python, typescript, javascript, Go, etc.

So there are mainly three components of the core Pulumi system: 

1. Language Host: this runs your pulumi program to create an environment resource with a deployment engine. 
2. Deployment Engine: This runs checks and computations to determine whether it is required to create delete or update or replate resources. 

3. Resource Providers: Pulumi downloads automatically packages and plugins in the background as per your language and cloud provider. 

Pulumi is also provided using CLO where you need to install it on your local machine and authenticate it with your account and rpivde credentials to use the cloud provider. 

Some of the Pulumi's best offerings: 

1. Open-Source: one can go on the internet to download pulumi and with a very small annual fee your team also can use it. 

2. Multi-Language: Pulumi offers to provision, scaling, and decdecommissionfrastructure on the cloud across multiple service providers like Google Cloud, AWS & phoenixNAP’s Bare Metal Cloud platform. 

4. Feature-rich CLI: The simple yet powerful command-line interface to deploy, and decommission your infrastructure on the cloud with a supplying simple set of commands on your favorite operating systems like Linux, Windows, and OS X using the terminal. 

5. Cloud object model: Pulumi has this underlying cloud object model where a detailed overview is offered to your programs to deliver a unified programming model. This lets you manage the cloud from any cloud provider. 

6. Stacks: In pulumi, the stacks are the isolated instances of your programs that deploy for your purposes. 

7. Reusable components: With pulumi, you need to write the same code again and again. It follows the practice practiced not repeat yourself).  So your code represents the entire infrastrice, not just a single instance. 

8. Unified architecture:  DevOps organizations can use and reuse components to manage infrastructure and build a unique architecture and testing policy. Such freedom enables teams to build an internal platform.

Pulumi’s support for the most popular programming languages helps DevOps stay productive without wasting time managing infrastructure. While Pulumi might not be the only infrastructure-as-code tool that doesn’t enforce a proprietary language, it is undoubtedly the most flexible because it’s cloud-agnostic.

You can leverage the power of Pulumi across multiple cloud providers by writing configuration files in languages that you are already using to run your apps.

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