The 15 Most Important Linux Commands For AWS

The 15 Most Important Linux Commands For AWS

This guide will take you through some of the most common and important Linux commands for AWS for your daily professional life. 

How to install Apache in Amazon Linux Machine

  1. sudo -i (Login as Root User)
  2. Yum install httpd
  3. Service httpd start
  4. Chkconfig httpd on
  5. Cat > /var/www/html/index.html (Creating a web page)
  6. Webserver1     (ctrl + D)
  7. Service apache2 restart (Restart Apache in Ubuntu)
  8. lsblk (Commands to mount EBS Volume in Linux )
  9. mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdf
  10. file -s /dev/xvdf
  11. mkdir /Data
  12. mount /dev/xvdf /Data
  13. df -hT
  14. vi /etc/fstab
  15. /dev/xvdf /Data ext4 defaults,nofail 0 0

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