The Beginner's Guide To Using Linux: Everything You Need To Know.

The Beginner's Guide To Using Linux: Everything You Need To Know.

 Linux is an open-source operating system that was created in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. The philosophy behind Linux is for it to be used as a collaborative tool, with features and code contributions from developers all over the world. It is this collaborative nature that has allowed Linux to thrive and grow into the widely-used operating system it is today. There are various flavors of Linux, but the most popular is Ubuntu.

Linux Operating Systems : 

Linux operating systems aka Linux distributions are a collection of software made on Linux kernels and their supporting libraries. Today there are more than 1000 Linux distributions available. Which most famous are as follows: 

MX Linux
Linux Mint

A Linux Architecture is composed of the following : 

Linux Kernels :

The kernel is the core of Linux-based operating systems. The common hardware resource of each process with virtual resources within. The kernel is also responsible for stopping the progress of the conflicts in the processes. Types of Kernels include: 

  • Micro Kernels 
  • Exo kernels 
  • hybrid kernels
  • monolithic kernel 
System Libraries:  

system libraries are the special functions applied for implementing the functionality and don't need access right for the modules of kernels to function.

System Utility Programs:- it is responsible for doing specialized level and individual activities. 

Hardware layer: It contains a later that includes peripheral devices like CPU, HDD, and RAM 


works like an interpreter where the user supplies in the command and the kernel execute through the kernel's function

Following are the few types of shells: 

  • Korn shell
  • Bourne shell
  • C shell
  • POSIX shell
When you start any of your Linux flavored distributions it has the following 4 stages: 

  1. BIOS Integrity check (POST)
  2. Loading of the Boot loader (GRUB2)
  3. Kernel initialization
  4. Starting systemd, the parent of all processes

Terminal aka Linux Shell 

The terminal is a program that gets commands from a user and supplies it to the OS and gives the output. To open the terminal press Ctrl+Alt+T in ubuntu or press Alt+F2 in gnome-terminal and Enter. In Raspberry in lxterminal. You can use a GUI for the same. 

Basic Linux Commands: 

PWD - This command gives you the absolute path. This means the path which is starting from the root of the directory of the folder if you are coming from the window background. 

ls - is to know which are in the directory you are currently in you can also use ls -a 

cd - is the command to go to the directory and you use it to change the location you are into for example if you want to go to the downloads directory you need to write cd Downloads. 

mkdir - is the command to create a directory 

rmdir - is to delete the directory 

rm - rm command is to delete the files and directories. 

touch - command is to create a file. 

man & --help - is to know more about a command. 

cp - is to copy the files through the command line. 

mv - is to rename the file. 

locate - is to locate a file in Linux 

Intermediate Commands

echo - helps us to enter some data usually some text to enter into a file. i.e - "echo hello, my name is rahul>> new.txt"

cat - this command is to display the content of a file/ it is usually used to view programs, scripts, etc. 

nano, vi, Jed — these are pre-installed text editors, Vi is simpler than nano 

sudo — stands for the superuser do. If you want admin rights to perform any command you need to use the sudo with the commands i.e Sudo nano ruby.conf 

df — use this command to see the available disk space in each partition of the system if you want to see the partition to be shown in megabytes use df -m 

du - is to know the disk usage of files in your system. i.e if you want to know the size of the Documents directory you need to write du Documents 

tar — works with the tarballs or compressed files in the tarball archive in the Linux client it can be achieving use many types of tar archives like .tar, .tar.gx, .tar.lz2. etv. 

zip, unzip —  use zip to compress files into a zip archive and unzip the extract files. 

name —  is to show the info about the system your Linux diore is running 

apt-get —is to work to install the packages this requires admin/root privileges. i.e if you want to install Jed text editor type the command  “Sudo apt-get install Jed”. use  “Sudo apt-get update” to update your system. &  “Sudo apt-get upgrade”  to upgrade your system 

“apt-cache search” - this command is to search the system for package

chmod - This command is to change permissions granted to it in Linux i.e use  “chmod 755” to give it root permissions or “sudo chmod +x”

 hostname — these commands give you the name in your host or network type "hostname -I" to know your IP address in your network. 

 ping — Use ping to check your connection to a server

clear - to clear the terminal screen 

Ctrl+C - to stop any command safely 

if this command does stop it use Ctrl+Z to force stop it. 

exit - to exit from terminal  

sudo halt/reboot - to reboot your computer. 

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