A Comprehensive Guide To Kubernetes: Everything You Need To Know.

 A Comprehensive Guide To Kubernetes: Everything You Need To Know.

Following is the Kubernetes ascending timeline order

  • Google started the Borg system around 2004. Google started this project as their internal project with a small team to run a couple of hundred jobs 

  • Around 2013 Google renamed the project to Omega cluster management system, a flexible, scalable tool to manage their large-scale compute clusters. 

  • In 2014 Google launched Kubernetes. Google introduced Kubernetes as an open-source version of Borg. In 2014 google introduced Kubernetes as an open-source version for borg. 

  • Kubernetes's first GitHub was released somewhere on June 7. 

  • Around July Microsoft, RedHat, IBM, and Docker joins the Kubernetes community. 

  • In 2015 July Kubernetes v.10 get released and google with Linux foundation from the CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation). They aimed to create an ecosystem for the community around a constellation for projects that rely on containers as part of their microservices architecture. 

  • Around November several companies like Deis, OpenShift, Huwaei, and Gondor joins the Kubernetes ecosystem. 

  • The Kubernetes version 1.1 upgrades major performance and features to make applications even easier to build and deploy. 

  • Kubernetes held their first conference kubecon 2015 in san Francisco. 

  • Kubernetes started going mainstream 

  • Around Feb 23 Help package manager was released. 

  • In 2016 the kubeCon EU for the European region was held with around 500 attendees followed by the U.S launch in November 2015 

  • Kubernetes 1.2 was released around March 16 improvements include scalability, deployment simplification, and cluster automation and management. 

  • With Kubernetes 1.3 released the Enterprise workloads & launched the Rktnetes 1.0 and a new "PetSet" and makes it possible to discover services running in multiple clusters. 

  • Minikube's official release was held around July 11. It is a tool to make it easy to run Kubernetes locally. 

  • Kops was launched as an official project for managing the production-grade Kubernetes clusters around September 8. 

  • Monzo released a case study for building a banking system using Kubernetes around September 8. 

  • With Kubernetes 1.4 release a tool named kubeadm. This tool helps with cross-cluster federation features, integrated Helm, and stateful application. 

  • The largest Kubernetes deployment on google container ever was launched on September 29 by the name of Pokémon GO.

  • CloudNativeCon + Kubecon 2016 held in Seattle around November 8-9 

  • Node Feature officially arrives around December for Kubernetes to enable node feature this package helps discover, detect, and make features available in a Kubernetes closed and advertises those using labels. 

  • With Kubernetes 1.5 release came, widows' official support comes to Kubernetes. 

  • Kubernetes support OpenApu to define their operations and models and enable e developers' automation around December 23

  • Year of Enterprise Adoption & Support = 2017 

  • With Kubernetes 1.6 release etcdv3 enabled by default, direct dependence for single container runtime was removed, RBAC was in beta at that time and was providing the automatic provision of storage-class objects. 

  • CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Europe, Berlin with 1500 attendees held around march 29-30 

  • May 24: Google and IBM announce Istio and open technology to provide connectivity across microservices regardless of platform source and vendor

  • With Kubernetes 1.7 released around May 24 local storage, encryption for secrets, and extensibility were added. 

  • Github started running on Kubernetes and its API and web requests start being served by running containers in clusters delayed in Kubernetes on the metal cloud. 

  • Kelsey Hightower released Kubernetes the hard Way for learning purposes. To ensure you understand each topic of it. 

  • First Kubernetes certified cloud-native computing foundation was announced around September 11. More than 

  •  Certified services (KCSPs)  the founding class got started. 

  • Oracle Joined the cloud Native computing foundation as a platinum member and sourced an installer for oracle cloud infrastructure and released Kubernetes on Oracle Linux. 
  • With Kubernetes 1.8 release was a milestone for RBAC(role-based access control). For securing Kubernetes clusters. 

  • Docker Fully embraces Kubernetes in October so devs and operators can build apps with Dockers to test and deploy them using docker swarm and Kubernetes. 

  • Docker platform and Moby Project add Kubernetes stated to use both Kubernetes and Swarm to orchestrate containers workloads. around October 17 

  • Microsoft introduces the AKS around October which was an Azure-hosted control plane with automated upgrades, self-healing m easy scale, and a simple user experience for developers & cluster operators customers get open source Kubernetes without operational overhead. 

  • Amazon announces elastic container services for Kubernetes to deploy, manage and scale container apps using Kubernetes on AWS around November 29 

  • KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America in Austin was held with around 4100  en users m vendors leading devs. and contributors across the globe which held on December 6-8

  • With Kubernetes 1.9 release Apps workloads GA and expanded ecosystem new features general availability of the apps and windows support in beta version along with the strong enhancements. Were launched on December 15

  • Kubeflow was introduced around December  21. This was a portable, scalable machine learning stack built for Kubernetes. 


  • Beta version Kubernetes 1.10 was launched on 2nd March. So users could test the production read version of Kenet TLS bootstrapping, and API aggregation in more detailed storage metrics. 

  • Google launched the Kubernetes podcast by Craig box on May 1 

  • Kubecon + cloud NativCon Europe 2018 was held from May 2 to 4 in Copenhagen more than 4300 devs gathered. 

  • Around May 2 DigitalOcean dives into Kubernetes and announces a new hosted Kubernetes product where Digitalocean will provide the container management and orchestration platform as a free service on top of its existing cloud compute and storage options. 

  • Around May 4 kubeflow 0.1 annoyed which provided a minimal set of packed to develop and train to deploy Machine learning. 

  • Google Kubernetes engine 1.10 was made available around may 21  and was ready for enterprise featured virtual private cloud and region persistent disaster with region clusters and node auto repair GA and autoscaled with custom horizontal pods for automation. 

  • On May 24 Kubernetes container integration Goes GA where contained 1.1 worked with Kubernetes 110 and above and supported all Kubernetes features. 

  • Amazon EKS became generally available on June 5 and simplifies the process of building, securing, operating, and marinating Kubernetes clusters ad brings the benefits of containing computing power for organizations to build apps instead of setting Kubernetes clusters from scratch. 

  • The Azure Kubernetes (AKS) was made generally available on June 13. Now the users were able to deploy and manage their production Kubernetes apps with confidence. 

  • Kubernetes 1.11 was launched around June 27. in closed load balancing and CoreDNS Plugin Graduate to General Availability. The new version graduates key features in networking opens up two major features from SIG-API Machinery and SIG-Node for beta testing and continues to enhance storage features that have been a focal point of the past two releases.

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