How to install Chef workstation on AWS Linux Machine

  In this article, we will see  Download and Install Chef in Amazon EC2 Linux Instance. Steps to follow Download and Install Chef Launch Linux EC2 Instance. Connect to Linux EC2 Instance through Putty. Switch to root user. Update Server Packages. Download and Install the chef package. Verify the chef package and Version. Launch Linux EC2 Instance  Please check the below link to Launch Linux Server. Launch Linux EC2 Instance We can see the Linux Server “Chef-Workstation” which was created earlier.  connect with your Amazon Linux machine using Putty or ssh client in case of windows.  Open Linux EC2 Instance Terminal 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Using username "ec2-user" . Authenticating with public key "imported-openssh-key" Last login : Tue Dec 24 02 : 35 : 19 2019 from   __ | __ | _ ) _ | ( / Amazon Linux 2 AMI ___ | \ ___ | ___ |   https : // Switch to root user 1 2 3 [ ec2 - user @ ip - 172 - 31 - 42 - 243 ~ ] $ sud