Everything You Need To Know About Azure: The Cloud Computing Platform.


Introduction to Microsoft Azure

Features of Free Tier Account

i)                 For Windows & Linux Machines – 750 hours are free.

ii)               Virtual machine type recommended for Free tier account B1S VM.

iii)             Disks Management

a)     Blob Storage – 5 GB free (Local Redundant Storage)

b)     File Storage – 5 GB Free

c)     SQL – 250 GB Free

d)     Bandwidth Usage – 15 GB Free

iv)             Deployment Models

a)     Classic Deployment Models

In this model each resource existed independently.

b)     Resource manager

Resource Manager which added the concept of resource group in 2014.

Resource Manager Terminology:

  • A manageable item that is available through Azure
  • Ex: Virtual machine, Storage, account, web apps.
  • A container that holds related resources for an Azure solution

      Azure Access Platform

      Azure Portal

      It is used to view and manage all of your applications in one unified hub. It including web apps, databases, virtual machines, virtual networks, storage, and Visual Studio team projects.

      Azure CLI

      Azure Bash Shell

      Azure Power shell

      Azure SDK

Azure Free Account


Period of free Avail

750hr of B1s VM for Win Server

12 months

750hr of B1s VM for Linux Server

12 months

128 GB of Managed Disks as a combination of two 64GB

12 months

SSD storage, plus 1GB snapshot and 2 million I/O operations.

12 months

5GB of LRS-Hot Blob storage with 2 million reads, 2 million write Operations. 

12 months


250 GB of SQL Database standard

12 months


5GB of bandwidth for outbound data transfer with free unlimited inbound transfer

Always Free

More Services

Always Free

Prerequisite to create Azure Free trial account

i)                 You should have email id on outlook.com

ii)               Credit Card (if you have already created Azure account by using existing credit card please try with another credit card to get Free Trial)

iii)             Mobile Number (if you have already created Azure account by using existing mobile number please try with another credit card to get Free Trial)

iv)             Need to register for Free Trial account by using below mentioned URL https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/


Create Azure Free Account today and you will get Rs.13,300/- credit in your Free trial account to utilize the features of Azure for 30 days.  After 30 days of free trial period it will be expired.  Then you need the subscription as Pay-As-You-Go





List of Products are free for 12 months.
















Below mentioned products are always free








 Below mentioned products are always free








Below mentioned products are always free





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